Sunday, February 13, 2011

The REAL me. Can you handle this?

So, dating sites are hilarious and frustrating. A bunch of people, hoping to attract other people with a handful of photos, some stats, and brief "about me" description. It is torturous, but there is the hope that you will run across another poor soul like yourself. Someone normal, somewhat attractive, who is just trying to find their soulmate.

On these sites I tend to get a lot of compliments. "Ur sexy, coffee?" (that is a direct quote, by the way), "Nice pics", "You're beautiful!". This is all very flattering. However, beyond the fact that these people probably didn't take time to actually read my profile (seriously? what's the point of that?), I have to laugh to myself when I think of what I REALLY look like. Take away the makeup, the flat iron, the cute hair styles, the stylish clothes, and the results are somewhat disturbing.

These guys think this is what they're getting:

When this is what they're really getting (brace yourself...are you ready? I don't think you are...oh well, too late to turn back now!)

And this (by the way, this is a good hair day. You think I'm kidding, ask my roommate):

Shocked? Probably not too much, at least if you're a woman. Us women know the amount of work and deception that goes into trying to look attractive. If I have to shower, style my hair and put on makeup, it can easily take me two hours to get ready. Excessive, possibly. However, I try to cut down on the getting ready time by showering at night and letting my hair dry naturally. My hair, oh my hair...My hair which is neither naturally straight or naturally curly, and could really only be described as naturally frizzy.

I also hear often what great skin I have. I am not complaining about my skin, as it is in pretty good shape for pushing 30. However, like most, I have dark circles, I'm as pale as Edward Cullen, I have age spots, discolorations, and even some fine lines (yikes!). On a basic makeup day, I am probably still wearing upward of 11 cosmetic products on my face. Really, I'm not exaggerating. And that is not including my moisturizer and eye cream.

It's incredible the things we do to look and feel attractive. There's nothing wrong with it, as long as we remember that our beauty is not defined by our makeup, our hair or our clothes. As a makeup artist, I adore helping people feel beautiful and glamorous. However, I know that beauty is defined by our character, the way we treat others, and us being ourselves. Remember to be gracious to one another, including celebrities, whom we forget are real people too. The next time you point out what a train wreck someone is in their tabloid pictures, remember the face that looks back at you in the mirror in the morning and cut those poor people some slack! It can't be easy living in the spotlight, and sometimes you just want to run to the store in your sweats and hat.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Approaches to Valentine's Day

I'm feeling a little sentimental this afternoon. And, NO, I'm not premenstrual, lol. I recently purchased one of my favorite love songs on iTunes, and it puts me in a hopeful mood for the day I truly fall in love. With Valentine's Day less than a week away, I realize I will spend yet another V-day without a significant other. I can only remember one year where I was actually in a relationship on this oh-so-wonderful holiday, I was in jr. high. Seriously.

Over the years I've taken a few different approaches to V-day. Approach #1: Boycott. Yes, I have gone the way of the bitter in the past, vowing to wear black in protest of a commercial holiday that tortures single people with the fact that they are all alone on the holiday of love. This generally backfired, and ended up with me gorging myself of on Valentine candy in front of sappy movies. Approach #2: Ladies Night Out. This isn't a bad approach. However, it often ends up as a "bitch fest" about how stupid guys are and wondering how it is they've been blind to such incredible and lovely women. Approach #3: The Co-ed Singles Party. Um, awkward, nuff said. Approach #4: Date night with a bestie. This isn't a bad option. I enjoy getting dressed up and going to a nice dinner with my best friend, though one must be prepared to be looked at like they are celebrating the day of love with their lesbian partner. Approach #5: Celebrating friends and family. This has been the most rewarding and productive of the V-day approaches. In the past I have made or purchased cards, candy, gifts, etc. for the most important people in my life. This way I am still getting the joy of giving and feeling love, and getting to participate in the holiday instead of feeling like an outsider. I am thinking I will go with #5 again this year and remind those that are important to me how much I love them.

As for reaching my goals, you can see that my tracker says I've lost 5 lbs. It's actually 5.2 lbs ;). Last week I was down 3.9 lbs and, as of today, I am down another 1.3 lbs. I haven't been as consistent in my exercise, but I am still going to the gym and doing my best to make wise food choices. I feel like I am well on my way to my goal. Obviously, I'm doing alright with blogging somewhat regularly. I could do better with my music goals, so I am going to make a pointed effort to get on my piano more. Now that it is set up in my room, I think I will be more inclined to play. I did get to do makeup for a photoshoot this weekend, for pictures, click here. I think they turned out lovely.

On the job front, I did interview and do a working interview for a nanny/mother's helper/household administrator position with a family in Federal Way last week. I am feeling hopeful about the position. I feel I have a lot to offer the family and that partnering with them to nurture and educate their children would be extremely fulfilling. I know God will open the door if that is where he wants me.

Happy early Valentine's Day, friends. May you take a moment to honor those who make your life brighter. As my gift to you, here is one of my favorite songs, in one of the most touching romantic movie scenes ever made, "The Book of Love" by Peter Gabriel in the movie "Shall we Dance"...grab a kleenex...this one gets me everytime. If you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it.

The book of love is long and boring
No one can lift the damn thing
It's full of charts and facts and figures and instructions for dancing
But I, I love it when you read to me
And you, You can read me anything
The book of love has music in it
In fact that's where music comes from
Some of it is just transcendental
Some of it is just really dumb
But I, I love it when you sing to me
And you, You can sing me anything
The book of love is long and boring
And written very long ago
It's full of flowers and heart-shaped boxes
And things we're all too young to know
But I, I love it when you give me things
And you, You ought to give me wedding rings
And I, I love it when you give me things
And you, You ought to give me wedding rings
And I, I love it when you give me things
And you,You ought to give me wedding rings
You ought to give me wedding rings