Saturday, January 16, 2010


Today, I ran across the music video for "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera. Though this video was and probably still is controversial to some, I was floored by the message as it was shared visually. So powerful, I literally got chills.

So, go ahead, be beautiful today. And tell society you won't bend to it's expectations of who and what you should be.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Peeping Toms and other news

I've decided I know where the term "peeping tom" came from. You see, my cat Joey has a talent of knowing when the shower is running. Unlike regular cats, who run from water like it will wash them away into the unknown, he comes into the bathroom, and either peeks through at the edge of the shower curtain, staying mostly concealed, or he jumps up on to the edge of the tub, between the cloth shower curtain and the clear plastic one, and just sits there, or walks back and forth. Now, I've had cats all of my life, even ones who kind of like to play with water as it drips out of a faucet. But never one who is this fascinated, or perhaps OBSESSED is a better word, with water, namely the shower.

Joey is also known to lay in the bathroom sink, let me bathe him while holding him in the shower, drink out of the toilet, take naps by the water dish, and steal straws out of cups, no matter how full the contents (his single-minded desire to steal a straw is a whole other story). So, I have some theories as to why my cat is a "Peeping Tom"

1. A Pure Love of a Water: For whatever reason, he just really loves water. Drinking in it, playing in it, watching it as it streams down from the shower head and beads across the shower curtain. This seems the most obvious answer, but not very fun.

2. He is a voyer: He is a weirdo who gets his jollies out of watching girls shower. I'm not a big fan of this one, as I think it's obvious cats are not like humans in this way. And it kind of freaks me out to think of my cat as a social deviant.

3. He finds it amusing: Perhaps he just thinks it's hilarious that people take off their strange fur (aka clothes, in human speak) looking all goofy in their pasty undercoat and voluntarily stand under a stream of water. Maybe it's a type of come-uppins. We just look pathetic in the same way cats and dogs do when they emerge from a bath, all awkward and scraggly with their coats matted down and soaked and that look of wide-eyed terror on their cute little faces, and they get to enjoy that moment in reverse.

4. He wants to shower too: He sits there hoping I will pick him up and shower him too. His previous shower encounters having him wishing he could shower as often as his people do. Although, if this were the case, he could just jump in. Also, when I have showered him, though he doesn't claw at me, he does squirm to get away, and occasionally meows, so I find this answer unlikely.

5. He finds it terrifying: Maybe it's like a train wreck, the scene is so awful and traumatic, but somehow he is drawn to it, and just can't stop watching. It's like he's saying "Oh my gosh, I can't believe she is getting in there again! Doesn't she know she could get sucked down the drain or something? If it I happens, I have to see this!"

6. He was fish or other water dwelling animal in a past life: Perhaps he has an unexplainable fascination with water that keeps drawing him back again and again. And it all comes down to a previous life where he spent his days frolicking and splashing about in his watery home. He keeps being drawn to the water as it reminds him of something or someone he used to be.

Whatever his reasons, someone else must have had a cat with this same habit. I mean where else would we have gotten the term "Peeping Tom"? It just makes sense.

On an update level school is crazy, my first week is almost over (whew!) I have a cold (of course, the week I'm actually doing something!). And I'm hoping to get to have some fun this weekend and also get ahead of the homework wagon. More on all of that later!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Good Ole College Days

Today I went to two classes, and made sure I was at the school early. I forgot how ridiculous parking can be at a busy school. I was REALLY glad I got there early. I was actually sitting outside the classroom 30 minutes early, maybe a tad excessive, but I was convinced something catastrophic was going to happen to keep me from getting to class on time.

While introducing myself in my customer service class, I mentioned my B.A. from PLU. Maybe I was trying to prove I belonged there, I'm not sure, but I think I may have intimidated my classmates. Classmates who were diverse in ethnicity as well as age and previous education. No one else mentioned any previous degrees, only the programs they were working on currently. So, for a moment there, I felt like an arrogant jerk, when honestly I was nervous and insecure. Oh well, if I can just be myself and be friendly and open, people will see I'm not going to judge and condescend. These classes will pose a challenge to me as well, I'm sure.

I already have homework for both classes I attended today. Luckily, they weren't huge assignments: reading a chapter and finding and writing a short discussion about an article concerning customer service. However, I'm finding the customer service articles a challenge to find.

To top of my collegiate day, Neila and I made a very "starving student" dinner of white rice and frozen broccoli topped with tomato bisque soup with pieces of cut up tofurky dogs. I sounds disgusting, but it wasn't bad, and we were being "resourceful" with the items in our cupboard.

I'm going to attempt to go to bed...for reals about 11, which means I better sign off and start winding down.

Good night from this returning college student.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Okay, I know I'm supposed to be in bed already. But, I've had way too much coffee and sugar today and I'm just not quite tired yet. So, I thought I throw it out there and ask for ideas for future posts. Is there anything you'd like to see me write about? Any topics for days when I have writer's block? Just curious!

New Year, New Blog!

So, after reading some of my friend's blogs and seeing their resolutions to write more, I have decided to join the craze of "webloggers". I already have a blog, however it is more of a personal journal than a public interface. So, this will give me a place to flesh out random thoughts, business ideas, and dialog in a more deep and thorough way than possible on mediums such as facebook.

So, I can't believe I am starting school tomorrow! I swore after I got my B.A. that I was done...18 years of schooling must surely be enough to succeed in this world. But, alas, fate had other plans. So, I am attending Pierce College and will be getting a two business certifications.

I have "first day anxiety", even at age 28. I guess some things never change. What if something catastrophic makes me late? Or my alarm doesn't go off? What if I can't find my classes, or I don't get into my wait-listed class? What I don't like my professors, or they don't like me? What if I got the wrong books? What if my classmates think I'm a big dork? I'm sure my anxiety is unnecessary, and that everything is going to work out fine.

So, I'm heading to bed in a few after I get my bookbag situated, set my alarm, and pick out my clothes tomorrow. Hopefully I can sleep!